Horde Onboarding

Horde Onboarding

These are the in-game cut/pastes I use for all onboarding processes.  I cannot say enough: Edit these to make them your own!



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This has EVERYTHING you need to onboard someone as part of fresh-beans.

Paste 1.   Do 2 as two steps.  3 has steps that are alternative responses.  4. is when you're ready to hand them a package, break this part up as it is complicated.  5 is when they got their package.


Hello, welcome to Horde, I'm part of the Fresh Beans team to welcome you aboard!

If you are an alt, please press 1!

If you are a spy, please press 2!

If you are a brand new player to Pandemic Horde Inc (non-esi gated corp), please press 3!

I am here to make sure you read the welcome mail, and got discord setup. Once you are in discord, the #newbeans channel makes it easy to ask questions and get PVP and PVE pings, especially moon mining fleets. click Include Jump Gates in Route and shuttles bypass bubbles to travel to mj-5.If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me! (This message will repeat until you respond to one of us.)

Just read and respond right now, stay with me for 2 minutes.


Did you setup discord?

Did you do Mumble Setup with Whisper key, 2 different buttons - https://imgur.com/a/f5aFiHF This is whisper to local channel, push to talk shouts to the FC.

3. rarely pasted

Please fill out the Caretaker Survey with Caretaker: Kismeteer - https://forms.gle/ (FILTERED)

As an alt/vet, I assume you know: Discord/mumble setup, non-gated vs esi-gated, why you don't rat in mj-5.

Did you need the entire package? alts/vets should be restricted in what they train. Pick a group, any or all, or individual ships. Tackle, ewar, mining, ratting, exploration, or skill books?

whisper key youtube video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMYio0fXXfg

jump gates https://i.imgur.com/JHdNTez.png

How to use Thera  https://www.eve-scout.com/thera/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2o1iDvxv4k

If you didn't know, there is easy shipping from jita. Watch this gif https://imgur.com/gallery/1WynqCb has how it works and https://www.pandemic-horde.org/forum/index.php?threads/industry-buyback-freight-megathread.3759/ has the shippers. If a full blown jita alt is too much, fly to Paala in a shuttle and remote order it. Stuff will show up generaly next day. NEWBIES, DO NOT HAUL IT YOURSELF

4. null sec

You are 'non-gated' meaning you have access to a limited number of systems, but it's still 71. You just need one for ratting in though and just leave your vexor there. https://www.pandemic-horde.org/information/corporationbulletin/index has more details on gating.

Horde isk making rules, Areas, and Industry https://www.pandemic-horde.org/forum/index.php?threads/horde-isk-making-rules-areas-and-industry-areas-updated-2023-10-12.3738/

And if you need an easier to read map of places you can go https://www.wckg.net/Rat is a guide I wrote. Has link to full rules thread for ratting areas. Okay?

You stay safe in null sec by watching local in a SEPARATE window. If someone neutral/hostile enters local with you, you pull drones and dock up. Because you cannot see all of local, MJ-5 is a bad idea to rat or mine in because you cannot see everyone. Do you understand?

5. wrap up

Please make sure to fit rigs and insure before undocking, they are in the cargo hold.  Do not rat in MJ-5.  Setup mumble and discord.

Please setup mumble and setup your whisper key - https://imgur.com/a/f5aFiHF

A Guide to the NBI Carepack https://www.pandemic-horde.org/forum/index.php?threads/a-guide-to-the-nbi-carepack.2940/

I just arrived- what now? https://www.pandemic-horde.org/forum/index.php?threads/i-just-landed-in-mj-5f9-now-what-do-i-do.2966/

Ask questions in newbeans or in newbeans in discord!

Please confirm you have read this, AND The rules in your evemail.

If you are joining from the video, https://www.wckg.net/PVE/null-sec-ratting explains how to rat, don't rat in mj-5, start with herds, work towards squads or patrols.

If you get a chance, try to attend an Friday Onboarding class, or watch one here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Is7mtHYcM9A

500 errors

If you're getting 500 errors, This is a common error that should probably be more explicit, but it has a very simple fix that does not require any admin intervention.

Go to the discord settings page on square: https://www.pandemic-horde.org/settings/discord/join

Click the "Remove" button next to your linked discord account

Add your account again, on the same page

You should now be able to join discord servers through square again.
We've had some systemic problem with discord, figured out why, thanks to a nice person who showed me.  So I have a more complete instruction set with dealing with account problems:

So the order of operations for account problems:

When in doubt, do them in reverse order I put them here.

Hopefully this helps.  Will pin as well.

Ratting 101

@everyone Come learn how to rat and ask general questions!

Newbean Ratting 101 is starting now!

FC: Kismeteer

Formup:  MJ-5F9 - B E A N S T A R (Pandemic Horde Hld.) 

Fleet Name: Ratting 101

Ships: Vexor > Algos  (Free handouts)

Comms: Newbeans -> NBI - Classroom 1

Copy this URL and paste to a browser if you're new to Mumble. mumble://mumble.pandemic-horde.org:41001/Newbeans/NBI%20-%20Classroom%201?title=Horde%20Mumble%20Server&version=1.2.0

To rat, do this in order in squads, with these hot keys:

right click warp

run from infested carriers, diamond rats, Tyrannos

w to orbit

f2 to turn on AB

shift-f to launch drones

control to lock up

f to engae drones

shift-r to recall drones

algos - vexor - ishtar - paladin - revelation - nyx/hel

[16:37:20] Snooppari > Ratting basics:

IF there are towers on the anomalies, destroy those first

1) Kill frigates (ASAP tacling ones)

2) Kill Battlecruisers (cruisers after that)

3) Kill Battleships

When there is new spawn, repeat from the start of the list.

Orbit the middle object of the site at a range your drones can hit all (example 50-60km drone control range you might want to orbit example 35 - 40km)

When you see neutral in local, turn off your afterburner and align to the station. Warp off immidiately IF you want to be safest possible (another option: turn off your afterburner, wait your drones to come back to your bay and warp off)

When your ratting you want to turn off from route planner "Include Jump Gates" so you can see true distance of the neutral / hostiles reported on the Bean-Intel.

Always Orbit / move, never stay still, have your fit cap stable and have your afterburner always on IF the fit has one or the ship is supposed to use with it.

[16:37:20] Snooppari > IF Infested Carrier spawn at your site, TURN OFF YOU AFTERBURNER AND WARP OFF ♦ !!! Warp off immidiately !!! LEAVE YOUR DRONES WARP OFF

Why squads only:

1) vexor has 2x heavy 2x medium and 1x light drones - they're not effective in patrols and hordes as those have more battleships 

2) squads don't spawn infested carrier

New Player Channels


<url=joinChannel:player_814f0d218e0e11ebbaad9abe94f5aa9b>Career Systems</url>

<url=joinChannel:player_508143c0989211eea5ce00109bd0fa48>Fittings Encyclopedia</url>

<url=joinChannel:player_c8d3d5218efd11ee888500109bd0f828>Max Alpha Ship Channel</url>

<url=joinChannel:player_08ffd980140111eb91de9abe94f5a39b>L1-3 Mission Fits</url>

<url=joinChannel:player_7cf8d0510ff411eb973f9abe94f5aa9b>L4 Mission Fits</url>

<url=joinChannel:player_-88349781>Fits for L4 missions</url>

<url=joinChannel:player_24e4120f3d5211e985a19abe94f5a43f>Faction Fits</url>

<url=joinChannel:player_d35e38803d5611e983e39abe94f5a43f>Industrial Fits</url>

<url=joinChannel:player_14bbe0f00ba411e9a4179abe94f5a167>Abyssal Lurkers</url>

<url=joinChannel:player_6ef97440b4be11eb9be29abe94f5b483>Overview List</url>

<url=joinChannel:player_06dacc4f808c11e999fa9abe94f5a39b>EVE Trade Hubs</url>

<url=joinChannel:player_d8b24a0f26e611eda2879abe94f5a43f>Starting Destroyers (SOE)</url>

<url=joinChannel:player_fa23149e64ea11ebb0669abe94f5a167>Sisters of EVE Help</url>

<url=joinChannel:player_de994940182f11eca4e89abe94f5a167>Mikes Skill Plans</url>

<url=joinChannel:player_-79741483>Beginner Fits</url>

<url=joinChannel:player_-35066809>Haulers Channel</url>


Newbean Pre-ping

@everyone  I hate to preping, but this is your one hour (and in 9 hours!) reminder on the NBI onboarding! 

This is already captured on video here:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Is7mtHYcM9A

Need to have your Whisper key setup - https://imgur.com/a/f5aFiHF

Include Jump Gates in Route https://i.imgur.com/JHdNTez.png  And hold on gates https://imgur.com/YFZoKa5

Do not rat in MJ-5, you cannot see all of local and you WILL die.  Even if it seems safe.  Standing fleet won't land in time.

If you are in Pandemic Horde Inc, you are considered 'non-gated'.  to become ESI-Gated, you need to join a different corporation, which checks esis before you join.  https://www.pandemic-horde.org/forum/index.php?threads/alliance-corporation-megathread-updated-2023-12-11.3276/ has a list, with a shortcut at the bottom.  If you have 10 mil SP, you have no excuse.

If you didn't know, there is easy shipping from jita. Watch this gif https://imgur.com/gallery/1WynqCb has how it works and https://www.pandemic-horde.org/forum/index.php?threads/industry-buyback-freight-megathread.3759/ has the shippers. If a full blown jita alt is too much, fly to Paala in a shuttle and remote order it.  Stuff will show up generaly next day.  NEWBIES, DO NOT HAUL IT YOURSELF

Please make sure to fit rigs and insure before undocking, they are in the cargo hold.

A Guide to the NBI Carepack https://www.pandemic-horde.org/forum/index.php?threads/a-guide-to-the-nbi-carepack.2940/

I just arrived- what now? https://www.pandemic-horde.org/forum/index.php?threads/i-just-landed-in-mj-5f9-now-what-do-i-do.2966/

Honks are tracked here: http://circle.pandemic-horde.org/

And any Caretakering fleets request feedback to (filtered)

*Everything* you need is in this thread https://www.pandemic-horde.org/information/corporationbulletin/index, and everything else is in the 'Settings' in the upper right corner.

Finally, succeed at life by doing this on technology. https://xkcd.com/627/

Onboarding 101 class

This is my Onboarding 101 class:

 @everyone Come learn with us now so you can blow stuff up later!

Newbean Onboarding 101 is starting now!

FC: Kismeteer

Formup:  MJ-5F9 - B E A N S T A R (Pandemic Horde Hld.) 

Fleet Name: Newbean Onboarding 101

Comms: Newbeans -> NBI - Classroom 1

Ships: frigate slasher or merlin

Copy this URL and paste to a browser if you're new to Mumble. mumble://mumble.pandemic-horde.org:41001/Newbeans/NBI%20-%20Classroom%201?title=Horde%20Mumble%20Server&version=1.2.0

Can ask questions in game under Newbeans if you're struggling to join

Note, we are also on discord under https://discord.com/channels/201704763874738176/1248699014434787471    Can join there too, but you learn a LOT MORE if you are flying with us.  Just need to do one or the other.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Is7mtHYcM9A  if you missed it.

To find fleet:

Go to Neocom (Big E in the top left), Socail, Fleet, and DRAG this button to the left hand side.

Then click it, click find fleet, sort by 'boss', and search for Kismeteer.

- 24 ahead notice, caretaker reserved, fleet setup and stored

Onboarding 101, short version

- Get into fleet and explain fleet joining Fleet 

- Encourage questions

- Remind we are open

- Newbeans 

- Bean-Intel 

- watch list, edit colors

- drag system name

- Anchoring

- Prop mode

- align/warp

- Demonstrate map and catching up

- demonstrate ansiblex and fees

- Broadcasts Fleet History 

- Link picture of broadcasting https://imgur.com/iod3V47  Fleet Broadcasting Icons 

- Targeting and short cuts

- Roles in fleet: tackle, ewar, dps, logi

- Burn pings

- Move away a gate or two

- hold on gates https://imgur.com/YFZoKa5 

- cloaks and timers - crashing

- Can overheat while cloaked

- track fleet for fresh beans http://circle.pandemic-horde.org/ 

- Caretaker feed back from https://forms.gle/YVAqxwefm4pvJNSX9 

- onboarding debrief https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-d1EfExpCk5OWRvIaYv4Ut8RVTwDBp6a4SG2jjXvLHw/edit 

Onboarding preping: see notepad