Jump cloning back to school
Do you REALLY want a skill book cheaper? Are you in null sec or somewhere WAY out there? Did you know you can go back to school inside 30 seconds, Buy your book, then teleport back out to where you were! You can!
First, you need several things:
Infomorph Psychology skill trained to at least 1
A citadel/station with a jump clone bay. Do 'show info' and it will be under services.
An empty clone you can install or in the station you are starting in.
The money to buy all the skill books. If the books cost under 5 million isk, it's cheaper to just inject them.
A plan to deal with books that Racial specific. Caldari Dreadnaught, you have to buy a shuttle and fly to Caldari space, for instance.
Realize you can save this time by just going to show info on the skill and hitting the + sign. But the books inject directly to your character, even while in space, but realize they can cost 40% less in empire. Shipboard Compression Technology costs 195 mil to directly inject, while 160 mil in empire, saving yourself 34 million isk (after jump clone install costs).
Step 1: Install jump clone in MJ-5. This is under Character Sheet | Character | Jump Clones
Step 2: Get a clean clone. Go to the character sheet | Augmentations and make sure it's empty. If it's not, jump into the clean clone in the station you are in now. You can do this WITHOUT incurring a timer now.
Step 3: Set Death clone to your School station. Go to Character | Home station| go to Select Home station | select your SCHOOL station. Your character picture on the left will say 'home station: Cistuvaert ... ...blah blah School'
Step 4: Death clone to school station. Check implants again on Character sheet | Character | Augmentations, then | Character again to Self-Destruct.
Step 5: Buy books. This is hard. ONLY buy books you are going to IMMEDIATELY do next step. You might have to travel towards Jita (Caldari), Dodixie (Gallente), Hek (Minmatar), or Amarr (Amarr) to buy racial books.
Step 6 : Inject book. IMPORTANT! :D I've forgotten. not even kidding. Wait 24 hours if you fuck this step up.
Step 7: Jump Clone back. This teleports your character back to the place you implanted that clone at. Go to Character | Character | Jump clones tab, jump to the one you installed. You pay 900k to make this jump as you're installing a jump clone.
Step 8: Delete clone in school station Go to Character | Character | Jump clones tab, no need for it anymore.
Step 9: Set home station again. Right click station name in upper left corner you returned to, and 'set home station'.
Step 10: Reinstall a jump clone in same station. Go to Character | Character | Jump clones tab and reinstall the clone there, it's a smart idea in case you forget step 9.
[03:43:50] Kismeteer > eve has to be confusing because ... reasons I guess?
[03:44:23] Kismeteer > you can do that once every 24 hours, or less if you train certain skills.
I do not recommend implants for new players. Here's why.
Can check prices and types of implants on https://everef.net/groups/745 As of 2024Q1, A full set of +5's costs around 500 mil. A full set of +4's costs around 115 mil. A full set of +3's costs around 48 mil. A full set of +2's costs around 24 mil. A full set of +1's costs around 3.3 mil. If you do the normal method of just picking two implants at a time, this costs goes further down, like 2/5th usually. However, it has drawbacks.
First, you have to be very disciplined. You need to quit the game, every day, in your home station, in a pod. And you have to check your clone constantly. If you do this, you will miss out on kills. Yes, you can shave maybe a day or two weeks off a full years training plan. But you'll have less 'fun', IMO. But, if you want to do this, just practice it for a week.
Let's pretend you hear there is a fight.
Login to game, confirm you are in pod and in home station. If you are not in a pod, you didn't follow your protocol. 10 second cooldown on changing ships.
Go to character sheet | Character | Augmentations.
Do you have to change pods? If yes, go to next, otherwise you messed up. (You didn't follow protocol)
If yes, go to Character Sheet | Character | Jump clones.
Jump to the correct non-implanted pod IN the same station, zero cool down. 10 second sessions change for getting on ships and joining fleets.
Check Augmentation tab again, just to be sure.
Board ship. 10 second sessions change.
Join Fleet. 10 second sessions change.
Undock. Another 5 seconds.
Versus the non-implanted chad:
Login. 10 second session change when you login.
Join fleet. 10 second session change.
Undock. Another 5 second.
So one takes like a full minute, the other takes 25 seconds to be undocked, if you were in the correct ship ahead of time.
Training skills is great and all, but we're here to shoot people and have fun. Why risk making a mistake, losing 500 mil, when you can just shoot people faster instead. :D
Your Pod and The Way it works
In Eve Online, you a capsuleer, you are bound inside your capsule, aka 'pod'. This defense mechanism has a bunch of in-game lore that allows you to be effectively immortal. When you die, your consciousness gets transferred to a death clone, transferring all your current memories and skills. (This used to be a clone you had to refresh and you'd lose skill points!)
Understanding how your pod works is honestly very important. You can basically move it around in a couple basic methods.
* Fly somewhere. You do this constantly. You are safe inside your ship until you die.
* Death clone. You can set your death clone to a single station/citadel.
* Jump Clone. You can install extra capsules in structures with a cloning bay.
* Recloning. This uses fleet's ability to use a Nanoheuristic Clone Mapper item, allowing you instantly respawn in a ship inside a capital vessel. We don't use this.
Death cloning (aka Home station) is something everyone in eve uses. When your capsule takes around 677 efhp of damage (depending on skills), you pod dies and your are reborn. This is just over 3 large smart bombs of damage. If you messed up and forgot to set your death clone, you might be VERY far from where you thought you were going to be. This used to be bound to cloning bay stations, but now you can right click the station/citadel name in the upper right corner and hit 'set home station'. This can cost you isk in NPC stations.
You can, once a year, set your death clone ANYWHERE. This is primarily how we move some people move out to us. You can also, at any point, set your death clone to your 'school' station. This is handy to buy skill books, and then jump clone back out here, will cost you 900k to install the jump clone in the school station though. You can death clone from the character screen.
Jump Clones
Jump clones are more complicated. You can now have as many clones as you want in a structure. You can switch pods inside a citadel, without a timer. Switching clones inside an NPC Station, you have to wait for your Infomorph Synchronzing skill time before jumping again, usually 24 or 19 hours. You can use this to save training pods. If you do training pods, make SURE you have the ritual of: eject from ship when logging out, do not enter any ship until you have confirmed pod. However, you will miss kills switching pods in a hurry due to the session timer for every action on switching jump clones.
You can switch between remote stations easily with these skills too. If you leave behind a pod in an NPC station, you pay the 900k fee. These left behind pods can die if something happens to the citadel, but those pods are 100% safe in an NPC station, so those crystal pods are best left in empire if going afk from the game. You can train the infomorph skills to get more pods, upwards of 10 total.
I honestly recommend against newbies using training pods other than +2's for the particular skills you're training because you WILL make a mistake and lose it. And it's an expensive lesson. You train slower but the fact that you can fly without danger is a big big deal in eve. If you lose kills in eve because you're timid, that's a loss for me. :slight_smile:
Once you have your jump clones organized, it's very easy to live part time in two locations. You just need a spare death clone.
* Install jump clone some place remote, come back to 'home'.
* jump to remote location, instantly install death clone OR install new jump clone. Any delay and you'll forget.
* When you're done there, jump clone home 24 hours later, OR just death clone back home.
We used this heavily to defend r1o. If you get confused, ask the FC if you're doing stuff like that.
More details on Jump Clones - https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Jump_Clones_101
Moving expensive pods
Sometimes you have to move an expensive pod or something uber expensive like SCC Encrypted Bonds or OPE worth billions. These have to go specific stations that concord does buybacks in. This safest done in a sunesis in low sec, of course, but puts you in danger in null sec. So you can use a shuttle. Thanks to ill54 for the idea!
Open up locations, click the pop out button on local locations.
Check gatecheck. https://eve-gatecheck.space/eve/ This shows only established camps. You might get unlucky.
Every single gate, you are warping to an object NEAR the out gate. You are using this to dscan. An asteroid belt at range often works.
If there is no object near it, you are warping off the main plane of the gate you are coming from, and warping at an odd range. Like 85km.
As you warp in, you are hitting control b, calling it like xx todi and hitting enter on it have it save when the distance to gate reads 60k-5k to have it save on the next tick. Having a preplanned route with odd angle perches makes this near uncatchable.
You then warp back to this bookmark to have an on grid ping to go through the gate.
Jump through if not guarded by a cruiser or above.
There are still things that can kill you, like the far side having a bunch of BS with smart bombs, but it's VERY unlikely. Realize there can be scripted ships that can STILL catch a ship that is like 1.99 seconds, so you can get unlucky, but shuttle is uncatchable if you are smart and patient.
There are a lot of other solutions here. You can do the same exact same thing above but make it even harder. You *MUST* be sub 2 second warp on these, preferably 1.6 and below for funny ccp math. These are from lowest skill to highest.
A sunesis is basically unkillable and uncatchable in low sec, but is not bubble immune so VERY vulnerable in high sec.
A nullified tanked interceptor can be setup to tank smart bomb, using a nullifier before warping in hostile systems. Make sure to fit a cloak and wait out hostiles!
A covert ops can make it easier to know when to go through, but is very vulnerable before warping. Just be super cautious on every gate, can use nullifier.
A blops can bridge blockade runners to indy cynos on a venture. Moving the venture is easy but might lose a few. :D Can move the entire blops, but can be caught if not directly on a structure.
A rorqual can bridge blockade runners and deep space transports easily. Again, venture cyno again. Can struggle to dock in some structures if cynoing it self.
JF is the safest but the most expensive. Venture cyno! :D
Making bookmarks on landing
I have a more clear order of operations on this practice, usable by any ship with interdiction bypass.
Open up local bookmarks. This is findable by going to locations, and pressing the 'open in new window' button in the top right of it. Can locations otherwise.
Right click on your 'warp to' button in the selected items window in the top right corner of the game.
Change it to an odd number, like 85,000 meters.
Warp to the possibly dangerous gate. Can dscan with 'v' as you go.
Hit enter, give it a clear name. xx todi
As you start to slow down, when the target distance says 6-16km, you hit enter.
The bookmark should appear in your local locations window.
If the gate is clear, warp back to your bookmark at the far away range. Then back to the gate at zero and you're through.
If the gate isn't clear, see if there is a structure on the far side you can warp to. You are only scared of things like: any battleship sized thing, any tech 3 cruiser sized thing.
Messed it up? go to your 'escape' tab and warp to whatever is nearby.